The Hills follows the lives of several young women in Los Angeles including Lauren Conrad, Audrina Patridge, Whitney Port, and Heidi Montag. Kristin Cavallari, Stephanie Pratt, and Lo Bosworth, subsequently became focal points following the departures of Conrad, Port, and Montag.
After MTV's Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County became one of the network's highest-rated programs, producers wanted to continue the story of one of its more popular characters, Lauren Conrad, as she moved to Los Angeles. After the cameras turned off for the Laguna Beach cast, those same producers stayed on to follow Conrad as she left her home in Laguna and moved on to a new life in Los Angeles. The Hills follows the daily lives of Lauren and friends, documenting all of the drama that eventually ensues. Despite being billed and formatted as a reality series, scripting is used for production purposes.
Initially, Lauren moves in with her friend Heidi Montag that she met while attending art school in San Francisco. Soon after, the pair become friends with new neighbor Audrina Patridge. However, as the series progresses, Lauren and Heidi end their friendship after rumors about Lauren having a sex tape surfaces. Heidi's boyfriend, Spencer Pratt, was accused of starting the rumor. When Lauren confronts Heidi, she stands by Spencer. The feud between the two women continues through each subsequent seasons, with Audrina providing a stabilizing influence in Lauren's life. While Lauren constantly fights with Heidi, she also makes time to attend the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, and lands an internship with Teen Vogue alongside new friend Whitney
Season 2
Lauren tearfully breaks up with long time boyfriend Jason. In response, Heidi's new boyfriend, Spencer, introduces Lauren to his friend, Brody, and the two have a short-lived relationship. Lauren still has feelings for Brody, but her friend, Jen, is introduced to him by Spencer and Heidi, causing tension between Lauren, Jen and Heidi. Over time, Heidi becomes blind to Spencer's mischievous ways, and Lauren, who is concerned, subsequently turns to Audrina and childhood friend, Lo, for friendship. Meanwhile, Lauren and Whitney are challenged at work when New York intern, Emily, comes to help. Whitney is eager to move ahead in the fashion world, applying for jobs at teen vogue and even trying out modelling. In the season finale, Spencer surprises Heidi.